How To Stop Bluetooth Headphones From Disconnecting
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How To Stop Bluetooth Headphones From Disconnecting

Bluetooth technology is amazing and has revolutionized the way we connect devices in the modern world. Everything from games controllers to mobile phones come equipped with the technology making information and data transfer sync. Headphones are one such device and wireless headsets are now common in most households. But along with the conveniences that Bluetooth…

How To Stop Headphones From Smelling? (Solved)

How To Stop Headphones From Smelling? (Solved)

Ever since the invention of smartphones and tablets, headphones have become a crucial part of our lives. From listening to music to playing games, frequently using your headphones make them smelly. So how exactly do you stop your headphones from smelling?   Stopping your headphones from smelling requires one thing― cleaning it. Depending on what type…

How To Stop Headphones From Activating Siri (Solved)

How To Stop Headphones From Activating Siri (Solved)

So, there you are listening to a favorite piece of music or an interesting podcast or audiobook, you just get to the good bit and… Siri cuts in the music stops or the excitement are lost… Grrr! There are various reasons why this happens. We’ve listed the most common causes and fixes to help you here. Some of…

Why Bluetooth Headphones are not Working in Windows 10 (Solved)

Why Bluetooth Headphones are not Working in Windows 10 (Solved)

Bluetooth headphones are awesome, right? You get to say adios to unsightly cable entanglements and you can move freely without the fear of having your head yanked back or device jerked. Well, bobbing your head to the beat, unhinged is all fun and games until the Bluetooth headphones stop working.  If your Bluetooth headphones are…

Should Headphones be Allowed in School? (Pros & Cons)

Should Headphones be Allowed in School? (Pros & Cons)

Using headphones in school has been a topic of many debates. Due to this, educators, parents, and students have different opinions on whether headphones should be allowed in school or not. In this article, we’ll explain the reasons why headphones should be allowed and why they should be banned.  Headphones should be allowed in schools…

How to Fix Bluetooth Audio Delay (Win 10, Mac, Android, iPhone)
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How to Fix Bluetooth Audio Delay (Win 10, Mac, Android, iPhone)

Whether you want to make calls, watch YouTube videos, play your favorite competitive games, or stream popular shows on Netflix, audio delay when using Bluetooth headphones can ruin the experience. Nobody likes it when the dialog doesn’t sync in a movie or you hear the gunshots after your character dies in a video game.  Fortunately,…

Can Bluetooth Headphones Connect To Multiple Devices At The Same Time?

Can Bluetooth Headphones Connect To Multiple Devices At The Same Time?

Bluetooth technology has improved a lot in the past few years and now you can connect the latest smartphones to two different speakers or headphones if they support the feature. However, have you ever wondered whether Bluetooth headphones could connect to two different sources at the same time? Yes, Bluetooth headphones can connect to multiple…